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Success for Louise Saywell

Success for Louise Saywell
 TopSpec sponsored Louise Saywell was in winning form in the Netherlands recently with her growing team of horses.After a fantastic start to the year, Louise was again on fire at De Peelbergen, Kronenberg, Netherlands.On day one she posted a win and on day two, she doubled up with two well-deserved victories. In the top-billed class of the day, the 1.45m speed, Louise raced ahead with Billy Twomey’s big-jumping nine-year-old Dassler to win the 69-entry class by 0.33 sec.Louise continued her run of good form with another win on Graham Ward’s 12-year-old Feigtling. The pair, winners just 24 hours earlier, headed the 1.40m by 1.70 sec over the Netherlands’ Michel Hendrix and Alaska.Said Louise: "My horses are jumping better than ever and we have had some fantastic results lately. Their TopSpec feed regime is without doubt helping with our success.” 
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