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Oscar’s Certainly a Flyer!

Oscar’s Certainly a Flyer!
LIFE wasn't exactly flying for racehorse Oscar Flyer when he ended up at a Devon abattoir but fortune favoured the handsome bay who was thankfully bought in the nick of time.And the faith shown by the Welton family recently paid dividend when he won on his first outing with them at South Durham Hunt Farmers Point to Point at Mordon.Now eight-years-old Oscar had a tendon injury which put paid to his training at his previous yard and he was destined to be sold at Exeter Horse Sales some 18 months ago.It is definitely a family affair with Oscar Flyer trained by Carolyn Woods, ridden by her partner Sam Welton and owned by his parents Val and Keith.The dream success couldn't have come at a better time with Carolyn also due to give birth and many around her were cautious of the celebrations getting too exciting after the win.Said Carolyn: "Oscar was taken to the sales but failed to sell so we approached the abattoir owner to see if we could buy him. He wanted a home for him rather than him going for meat as he is such a lovely horse in his prime so the deal was done."He cost £280 and we are so pleased his first race was us was a winning one,” added the North Yorkshire-based trainer."When we first bought him he went on box rest for two months before having a year turned away. He has come back in great shape and his legs are now strong and healthy."It was only a maiden race but it was so fantastic for everyone. Not only are his legs tough and strong he also looks in fantastic race fitness with TopSpec Racing Feed Balancer and TopSpec Turbo forming his daily feed regime."Bringing a racehorse back from injury and turning them into a winner is a fantastic feeling – it couldn't be better,” added Carolyn.
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