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Jo and Vivaldi on Winning Form

Jo and Vivaldi on Winning Form
Congragtulations to Jo Hamilton and Vivaldi V on winning the Advanced Medium at Rowallan.Christmas came early for Jo with anotherwin in the Novice Open on her four-year-old Corchapin to round off a very successful show.Jo was riding in only her fifth Advanced Medium test with Vivaldi and was delighted to score 75.26%.Said Jo: "Due to the snow the horses were only ridden once and lunged once so they were both on their toes."Vivaldi feels very powerful and I'm getting better at balancing the power, but he's learning when to put a cap on it a little."Bit by bit, he's coming together. We're both getting more confident and that then allows you to attack the test more, to focus on each movement having a start, middle and end. If you want a test to go well, you've got to make it work.
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