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Amy and Jester Win Nationwide Competition

Amy and Jester Win Nationwide Competition
AMY Martin and her horse Jester have been chosen as ‘The Face of TopSpec 2013’ in a nationwide competition.Livery yard owner, Amy was over the moon when she received the news about winning the competition on her birthday.Jester and Amy have developed a great partnership over the last six years and the palomino gelding has overcome a tendon injury and is now back competing in dressage with the aim of some show jumping competitions in the summer.Their prizes include £500 worth of TopSpec feed, a professional photo-shoot and framed print and a top of the range Horseware Turnout Rug.Said Amy: "Jester is just a star and has come back in to work so well after injuring his tendon. He certainly has a bit of personality and attitude but when I started to feed him TopSpec Cool Balancer there was a dramatic change in him."There were times when I thought jumping would never be an option but now he is so much calmer and will jump anything."Jester is now 13 and is very fit and well and we can’t wait for the photo-shoot in the summer and to appear in a TopSpec advert."He is such a character and knows he is good lucking so the photo-shoot should be fun. I am just so delighted to win the competition and can’t thank everyone enough.”
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