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Monty Returns To Full Health

Monty Returns To Full Health
Hello there,About three and a half years ago now I won a competition for £100 worth of TopSpec feed for my two horses, one of which, Monty I was eventing just at very low level.I was amazed at the results I had with him and how well he looked and we stayed on TopSpec feeds - and have done since this day.You used him in your advertising, and I was thrilled to see him in poster form when I walked into our local saddlery.About a year later, devastatingly, Mont was diagnosed with Impar Ligament Navicular - not a very common thing at all. This news was utterly shocking to us and we felt that our, and Monts world had fallen apart. He was doing so very well with his cross country and was jumping two levels higher in training than we were competing at that time.He was now confined to box rest, months and months of it. He stayed on TopSpec, the FibrePlus Cubes were fabulous. I used to throw a scoop into a full bucket of water and he would snorkel for them, plus drink the water, it was a great way to keep him drinking!We were forced to move him to a fantastic yard to keep him in work as even though he was on box rest he had to be ridden every day - and he is like a stick of dynamite as it is!Cutting a very long story short - we have slowly got him working and even hacking again, the TopSpec keeps him cool enough to do this, so we have eventually upped his work load and bingo! Eventually Mont has a life back.He looks fantastic, he is only on your TopChop Alfalfa and TopSpec Comprehensive Feed Balancer!We just love this horse! Thank you TopSpec for supporting us through thick and thin, good times and bad times, let the new good times begin again!Kind regardsKate Hardt and Monty.
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