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Katie is Now a Picture of Health

Katie is Now a Picture of Health
WHEN Sarah Roger’s 16-year-old pony, Katie, became laminitic and then developed Cushing’s syndrome she was determined to do everything she could to get the mare back on the road to recovery.Katie had been with the family for 14 years when she was struck down by laminitis."In February 2011 we thought we were going to lose her with chronic hormone-induced laminitis when she had re-absorbed her foal,” said Sarah."Katie has spent most of her life as a companion to our racehorses, travelling to races with them or keeping those at home company."After advice from the nutritionists at TopSpec we started to feed Katie TopSpec AntiLam for nutritional support and she has never looked back."We make sure Katie still never sees any grass, but goes out in an acre paddock which has nothing in it, we use it as the winter turn out for the bigger horses so they do a fabulous job of ploughing it so no grass is left."She now looks a picture of health and is a very active pony attending all Pony Club events every fortnight. Try this out"We have been so vigilant with her diet and treats, only sugar free polos at Pony Club and herballs as a treat at home but it’s all paid off. My vets are providing medication for the Cushing’s and following advice from the TopSpec nutritionists we are now just adding a few of the TopSpec FibrePlus Cubes to her TopSpec AntiLam to add a bit of condition, without letting her get overweight."Katie is now 17 and looks as good as she ever has, we can’t thank TopSpec enough for all their help and advice.”
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